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Lovells, Michigan

Lovells is located in Crawford county, just below the 45th parallel along the banks of the North Branch Au Sable River.


The original surveys of the area were commenced in 1852 but it would be a few decades before the lumbermen began exploiting the area in earnest. The first train station, on a branch of the Michigan Central Railroad, wasn't established until 1889 and the first post office in 1892.


Lovells Township was officially organized in 1912 and named for Judge Louis Lovell, a judge in the eighth judicial district.


Founding Families

The names of Lovells' founding families still ring in the area and, in many cases, family members are still in the community. That should tell you something about this area, a once pristine wilderness with the famous North Branch Au Sable  River gliding through it. 


Stay tuned to this site as we add as much history as we can and tell you about the people that made our community come to be.


The Douglas Family (view history here)

The Stillwagon Family (view history here)

The A.R. Caid Family

The Duby Family

The Vance Family

The Nephew Family

The Kellogg Family


And we will also tell you about those that picked up the reins and helped Lovells march into the future.


The modern world hasn't changed the area much. We do have challenges but Nature remains here in abundance. Our cold water streams and rivers hold trout, the woods are filled with woodcock and grouse, deer and elk, and all the predators that make a living in such climes.


Special thanks to the Cheerful Givers Club of Lovells. Much of the text about our history is taken from their 1990 book Memories of Lovells 1889 - 1990

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