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We love donations. We live for donations. We don't charge for admission to our museums, or for the hours we spend organizing exhibits and planning events. 


There's lots more we want to do and that will take resources. So whether you're a neighbor, a business, a foundation or a sponsor, we love you for what you can do for us. For how you can help us do more for others all the while curating, documenting and preserving the vital history of Lovells and the northwoods.


Don't forget, we are a qualified 501(c)(3) organization so your donations to us can be tax deductible.




Everything in our collection came from somewhere, from you.


If you have anything of interest, something from our past (the one that stretches all the way up to the present) we are probably interested in learning about it. Maybe we can display it, maybe we can photograph it. Maybe we can document its story.


Objects, photographs, documents, personal stories. All of the above please to help us record, preserve, document, display and keep safe our past so our future is richer.




If you are doing business in our area we hope you value the community that adds to your success and we hope you will help us make our community life fuller.


We are still developing our sponsorship programs but at the moment we think sponsors are irreplacable partners in the events we produce to make life in our community more fulfilling while bringing people together.


 Hot Stove Nights

The BackCast Podcasts

Leaky Waders 1K

Fall Upland Fundraiser




​We are working hard to find the right organizations to team with to help us achieve our goals.


Things like increased museum hours, better exhibits, ways to make more of our collection available to the public. We'd like to think that we will grow and one day need a bigger home for all the interesting stories we have to tell and all the fun events we can celebrate.


We are committed to being responsible and transparent stewards of the funds granted to us.



Individual Donors

​Thank you to all of you. It's you that have gotten us this far and it is the collective you that is our backbone each and every year.​

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